For 2 days, I had been totally disconnected from the cyberworld. My lappy (as I call my laptop) was borrowed by my cousin (for school project purposes) and that's exactly brought me this post depression of letting your laptop borrowed by someone else. I don't know why but I really felt stressed and unease staying here in our house without my laptop. It actually made me feel annoyed and paranoid in some ways because I couldn't do the things I normally do like browsing the net and my accounts on some networking sites, as well as blogging or even doing some simple stuff with my laptop like watching a movie or listening to downloaded songs. Without my laptop, it's like I was confined into a closed space where I was waiting for the time to pass by, doing nothing and thinking what will I do to get out of that place. I swear, every minute of my stay here in our house without my laptop and without having the chance to browse the net is like living like an outcast...outcast of the cyberworld. I tried to indulge myself by watching TV and listening to some songs on my phone (on its maximum volume with the earphone plugged to my ears), but these things are not that really helping to keep myself relaxed from suffering to this so-called cyberworld abstinence. I don't want to be selfish, but if someone will going to borrow my lappy away here in our house, without a doubt I won't even allow this to happen again.
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